The Sooner You Stop Gum Disease, The Easier It Is to Treat
Posted on 9/7/2020 by SRD Muscle Shoals
Gum disease, otherwise known as periodontitis, is caused by bacteria in your gums and mouth. This comes from not cleaning your teeth properly as well as other factors like genetics or daily habits. Treating gum disease as soon as you notice any symptoms is very important as it is much easier to treat it in its early stages than in its later ones. Early gum disease treatment is mainly about symptom management and getting rid of the infection. Later gum disease treatment may involve surgical tooth extraction as well as treatment for other health issues that the disease has caused. We can explain this in more detail when you come in.
Early Gum Disease Treatment
You should contact us at the first sign of gum disease. This includes bleeding, inflammation, difficulty chewing, and bad breath. In more advanced stages, you will also notice that the gum line begins to recede as it wears away. To begin treatment, our dentist will explain how you can manage the symptoms on your own at home. This includes an oral hygiene plan and may also involve medications for pain as well as anti-biotics. Our dentist may need to clean the infected area at the office.
Advanced Gum Disease Treatment
As gum disease progresses, the pockets of infection expand and also get deeper in the gums. Not only does this mean that there are more bacteria, but it also means that the bacteria are harder to reach as well. Cleaning the area at this point may require sedatives or anesthetics as our dentist will likely need to make an incision into the gum. Advanced gum disease can also cause tooth decay, which means our dentist may also need to extract the teeth.
Infection from gum disease can spread throughout the body as well, causing issues with the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, and more. Contact us now for more information on gum disease treatment.
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