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Home Services Restorative Dentistry

Restorative Dentistry
Muscle Shoals, AL

Woman looking at her smile in a mirror after getting restorative dental treatment at Singing River Dentistry in Muscle Shoals, ALIdeally, preventative dental visits and good oral hygiene practices can help you and your child avoid the need for restorative procedures. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes life gets the best of all of us and may result in you or your child needing corrective dental procedures. There is no need to worry because our great team at Singing River Dentistry in Muscle Shoals, AL can meet all of your family's dental needs.

Through the use of quality restorations, our team can get you back on track for a lifetime of bright smiles and healthy teeth. Whether you have begun to experience decay or have developed a soft-tissue abnormality, there is a restorative procedure that can help. Once our doctors have corrected the issue, they can maintain your newly-improved smile through great preventive dental practices.

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All on 4

All on 4 dental implants provide a permanent tooth restoration that is stable and strong enough for your bite function. These teeth also are natural-looking. All on 4 uses axial and tilted titanium implants, thus enhancing the stability of the restoration.

Tooth Extraction

The type of restorative dental procedure that you or your family member will need will vary depending on the state of the tooth that is damaged. Whenever possible, our team seeks to salvage your natural tooth. Unfortunately, this is not always possible if a tooth is severely damaged and the roots are no longer intact.

When this occurs, our team will need to extract the tooth. Extractions are designed to remove damaged, often painful, teeth that cannot be repaired. Once the tooth is removed, other restorations such as a dental bridge can be used. If the tooth being extracted is a secondary tooth, then our team may recommend longer-lasting restorations such as a dental implant.

Tooth Crown

Another frequently used restorative procedure is the placement of a dental crown. A crown is an artificial tooth that completely encapsulates your damaged tooth. During the initial visit, our team will administer an anesthetic, file down the damaged tooth, and take a mold of your tooth. They will then fit you with a temporary crown.

The mold is sent to a lab, which will take several weeks to complete a final crown. When the crown is complete, you will return to our office so that the temporary crown can be removed, and the final crown can be installed. This crown will protect and strengthen the damaged tooth.

However, some crowns, like the CEREC same day crowns, can be finished and received over two visits on the same day.

Learn More About Tooth Crowns:

Dental Filling

Fillings are one of the least invasive restorations available. A filling is used when a small cavity has developed that has not yet severely weakened the tooth. Our team will administer an anesthetic, remove the decayed portion of the tooth, and place the moldable filling material into the void.


A frenectomy is a procedure used to address soft-tissue related developmental issues. The most common reason for a frenectomy is if your child was tongue-tied. A frenectomy involves removing excess frenum tissue that connects your child’s tongue to their mouth. By removing this tissue, your child’s range of motion in their tongue is increased and they can better form words.


Complete, or full, dentures are for patients who are missing full sets of teeth. This can include the upper or lower arch, or in some cases both. Full dentures are generally fitted once all of the patient’s teeth have been removed. They are a full set of teeth, made of resin, plastic or porcelain, on an acrylic gum replacing structure. The gum-like material sticks to the patient’s gums using suction. There are three types of full dentures, conventional, immediate, and implant-retained.

Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and onlays are restoration treatments for minor damage to your teeth. While fillings can be used for this purpose, inlays and onlays provide more aesthetic benefits than a filling since they’re made of natural materials that mimic the look of healthy teeth. Plus, these restorations create an effective barrier against bacteria which means less decay over time. Inlays are specifically used for damage closer to the center of a tooth, while onlays are used for more visible areas.

Root Canal

Your teeth may look simple from the outside, but they are quite complex. Below the outermost layer, the enamel, there is a dentin layer. The enamel is the hardest substance in your body. The dentin is also hard, though not as hard as the enamel. This layer also has a series of hollow canals that lead to the roots of the tooth. Below the dentin is the pulp chamber and the pulp. The pulp is soft tissue, which contains both blood vessels as well as nerves.

When damage extends past the enamel layer and into the dentin, a path to the interior of your tooth is opened up. Bacteria can travel into the tooth through this damage. Once inside the tooth, they begin to multiply, filling the canals and the pulp chamber. As they do, they begin to irritate your pulp, which can lead to inflammation and severe pain. When an infection develops inside the tooth, often the best treatment is a root canal.

Dental Bridge

Dental bridges replace lost teeth, restoring your smile. We bond the bridges to the bordering teeth and then place the pontic tooth. Although they are still in use, there has been an increase in dental implants serving as a replacement. Both are equally effective.

If a dental gap goes unaddressed, the adjacent teeth tend to move closer to each other, filling the gap that the lost tooth left. The results may not be so appealing, as there might be unsightly gaps that might affect your smile and overall facial appearance. Dental bridges work by preventing this natural occurrence, by ensuring that all teeth remain in the position they are supposed to be.

Tooth Loss

Restorative dentistry can address tooth loss in many different ways. Of course, we always strive to save your teeth. Sometimes, however, due to decay, damage or impacted wisdom teeth, this is just not possible. If you are suffering from tooth loss, or if we need to extract any of your teeth for any reason, rest assured that we can help replace those missing teeth with dental implants, dental bridges, or dentures.

Contact Your Dentists in Muscle Shoals, AL today!

Whether you or your child needs a simple filling or requires more substantial restorative treatments, our professionals at Singing River Dentistry can repair your damaged teeth and get you and your entire family smiling again. You can schedule an appointment with our team by calling our office at (256) 712-3186.

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Restorative Dentistry Muscle Shoals AL
At Singing River Dentistry, our restorative services are designed to improve the function and aesthetics of your smile. Click here to learn more and call us today!
Singing River Dentistry, 2402 Avalon Ave, Suite A, Muscle Shoals, AL 35661 | 256-712-3186 | | 10/22/2024 | Page Keywords: dental implants Muscle Shoals AL |