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Singing River Dentistry

Muscle Shoals, AL

Rendering of removable partial dentureDeciding to get complete or partial dentures is never easy, and it's why at Singing River Dentistry, we will guide you through the entire process. Dentures serve as a replacement for lost or removed teeth and any surrounding damaged tissue.

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Making the Denture Decision

Barring losing multiple teeth at once, it is not always obvious when you should decide to get full or partial dentures. Your dentist can sometimes spot early warning signs that some type of dentures may be necessary. It’s important to catch these issues early as some forms of dentures can take several months to be fabricated and fitted in your mouth.

Full dentures are typically used when every tooth in your mouth has been lost or removed while partial dentures are typically utilized when you have some healthy teeth left that the dentist believes can be saved. Your dentist can help you decide which would be best for you.

Some of the early warning signs that you may need dentures include the feeling that multiple teeth in your mouth are shifting or coming loose, severe tooth pain and noticeable tooth decay, multiple teeth being lost putting painful pressure on the remaining teeth, bleeding gums and difficulty eating hard foods without pain.

Once you decide to get dentures, the dentist will begin the process of making impressions of your jaw and taking specific measurements of your mouth. The dentist will also create a series of molds of your mouth that will, in essence, allow you to test drive different temporary denture fittings so you can give input on what feels best. Once that process is complete, all that information will be sent to a laboratory offsite where your actual dentures will be created.

What to Do with Dentures

Once you get your dentures, it will take some time for you to get used to them in your mouth. If you get partial dentures, you will need to get used to putting them on and taking them off without disturbing your remaining natural teeth. You may experience some initial difficulty eating and talking with your new dentures in your mouth, but almost all our patients report being able to quickly adjust.

Even though the dentures are false teeth, they must be cared for as good oral hygiene is still very important. You must take care to make sure your dentures are stored overnight using an approved cleaning solution. You should also rinse off your dentures after every meal and brush them at least daily. If you have natural teeth remaining, they still need to be brushed and flossed regularly. You also must continue to clean your gums, even if you have a complete set of dentures.

Contact Us Today!

If you have any concerns that you may need dentures or if you are starting to show symptoms and want to get an expert opinion, contact Singing River Dentistry today. We can bring you in for a consultation with the dentist and together you can put together an individualized care plan that meets all of your needs. Contact us at 256-712-3186 to get started.

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Dentures - Muscle Shoals, AL • Singing River Dentistry
Singing River Dentistry, 2402 Avalon Ave, Suite A, Muscle Shoals, AL 35661 + 256-712-3186 + + 10/22/2024 + Page Terms:dentist Muscle Shoals AL +