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Singing River Dentistry

What to Expect With Scaling and Root Planing

Posted on 5/23/2022 by SRD Muscle Shoals
What to Expect With Scaling and Root PlaningHave you talked to your dentist about having your teeth deep cleaned? A deep cleaning is an important part of gum disease treatment. Despite causing sensitivity, it can have a significant impact on gum pocket depth. SRP is another term for dental root planing and scaling also known as deep teeth cleaning. Why is that different from cleaning? Basically, a deep cleaning goes a little deeper than a regular cleaning. Toxins like calculus, tartar, and other substances that have stuck to your teeth surfaces are removed below the gum line by your dental hygienist. When these materials are not removed, the gum disease or gum immune response will worsen. Gum pockets will deepen, causing bleeding gums.

Who Needs It?

You may notice that your gums bleed, your mouth feels inflamed, that your teeth are sensitive to flossing, and have bad breath before your dentist identifies your gum disease at a checkup. Make an appointment with a dentist as soon as you notice any of these symptoms. In cases where your pockets are deep, the first indication of periodontal disease beyond gingivitis, this procedure is prescribed. A pocket depth over 3 millimeters is required for this procedure. Scaling and root planing is often preceded by an x-ray to determine bone loss or to find cysts or an abscess.

Preparing For a Deep Teeth Cleaning

Scaling and root planing is not too complicated to prepare, although some dentists may recommend an antiseptic mouthwash. During root planing, a lot of bacteria will get into your bloodstream. Using an over-the-counter pain reliever is an option if you're concerned about pain or sensitivity. Deep teeth cleaning usually takes 1-4 hours. First, your hygienist will inject you with local anesthetic. The hygienist sometimes needs an hour per quadrant to properly scale and plane all the root surfaces in a quadrant. Typically, one side of the mouth is treated per hour. The right side will be done within one hour, followed by the left two quadrants within a week. Plaque and calculus will be removed from above and below the gum line with a dental scaler or ultrasonic device. In dentistry, it's referred to as "rubbing" to smooth rough areas on teeth.
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