Sleep apnea is a dangerous condition, especially when it goes untreated in its most severe form. However, unless you know what forms it comes in, it can be difficult to tell just how much danger you may be in. If you are getting tested for sleep apnea, or believe you may have it, make sure to find out what you can about it. Both your doctor and your dentist can help you get diagnosed and then form a treatment plan.
Sleep Apnea Comes in Three Main Types
Obstructive sleep apnea is often undiagnosed until it is pretty severe. It happens when your throat relaxes when you sleep, and the throat itself obstructs your ability to breathe.
Central sleep apnea happens when there is an issue with brain communication. For some reason, the brain forgets to send the proper signals to the body to keep breathing when you sleep.
The most severe type of sleep apnea is often considered to be complex sleep apnea syndrome. This is when you not only have something obstructing your breathing, but also, your body is not sending the right signals. When this goes untreated, it can lead to a wide range of problems with your body.
If someone tells you that you are stopping breathing during the night, take it seriously. It is not something to take lightly. Sleep apnea needs a sleep study to be able to diagnose, so make sure you speak with your doctor or your dentist about the problem. If you get diagnosed by your doctor, make sure to inform your dentist as well. They can fit you with a mouth guard to help you keep your mouth in the right position to breathe at night. It can help you get better sleep, and it can help you avoid a wide variety of health problems.
Singing River Dentistry | About Us | Florence, AL At Singing River Dentistry, we look forward to helping patients improve their smiles and oral health at our Florence location. Learn more here. Singing River Dentistry, 2604 Hough Rd, Florence, AL 35630, 256-712-3549,, 2/9/2025, Key Phrases: dentist Florence AL,