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Singing River Dentistry

Benefits of Dental Implants
Muscle Shoals, AL

Diagram of a tooth replaced with a dental implant by Singing River Dentistry in Muscle Shoals AL 35661 Often dental surgeons recommend a dental implant surgery for patients who have lost a few, most, or all of their teeth as a result of facial traumas, poor diet or oral hygiene, or due to old age. It is also recommended for patients who are naturally missing their teeth, as in the case of patients who suffer from rare genetic disorders like anodontia or hypodontia, which affects the growth and development of permanent teeth.

Before the dental implant surgery, the surgeon takes scans of the patient’s jawbone to determine whether the jawbone is strong and has enough volume to accommodate and infuse a dental implant. Once the surgeon is satisfied with the strength and volume of your jawbone, they will proceed to conduct the surgery.

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Dental Implant Surgery

During the dental implant surgery, the surgeon will cut off your gum tissue to access the jawbone underneath. A small hole will be drilled inside the jawbone in the spot where a replacement tooth needs to be placed, and a metallic screw, the dental implant, will act as the artificial root for the tooth will be inserted inside the jawbone. This metallic screw has an extension on the top, which is known as the abutment. The abutment is the only visible part of the dental implant and usually protrudes out of the gums so that later, a new tooth can be fixed on top of it.

After the successful implantation of the artificial root, you will be sent home to get the necessary time for recovery and osseointegration. Osseointegration is a natural process in which the dental implant completely fuses with the jawbone to act as a strong foundation for your replacement tooth. It can take anywhere between 3 to 6 months for this process to be completed. During this time, your surgeon will place a temporary crown over the abutment as an aesthetic measure and to help you to eat and talk comfortably. Regular scans will also be taken to monitor the progress of osseointegration.

Once the dental implant has fused with the jawbone, the surgeon will place a custom-made false tooth on the abutment. Unlike dentures, dental bridges or crowns, this new replacement tooth will look and feel just like a real tooth thanks to its deep-seated artificial roots. Instead of dental crowns patients may opt for inlays and onlays.

Give us a call to learn more about dental crowns vs inlays and onlays.

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Dental Implant Materials

The most commonly used material for dental implants is stainless steel. However, some dental implants are also made from titanium and its alloys. Prosthetic parts of the dental implant can be made from gold alloys, cobalt-chromium and alloys of nickel-chromium.

Who is a Candidate for Dental implants?

All adults who need teeth replacement for their lost or missing teeth, have a healthy and voluminous jawbone, are in overall good health, maintain good oral health and hygiene, and are looking for a permanent solution for their broken or missing teeth, are suitable candidates for dental implants.

Dental Implant Care

Your dental implants will not require any extra care or maintenance once the replacement teeth have been fixed on them. Right after the dental implant surgery, you will need to administer a certain degree of care to ensure that the recovery and osseointegration process is smooth and steady. You should avoid eating hard, solid foods and stick to semi-solid food or liquids, such as soups and fresh fruit juices, for at least 2 weeks. You should also avoid brushing or flossing near the surgical area and instead use mouth rinses or clean gauze to wipe away any food debris.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Here are some distinct benefits of dental implants:

•  Permanent replacement for lost or missing teeth

•  Is non-removable and cannot slip out

•  Unlike dentures, it prevents deformation of the face

•  Improves smile

•  Improves speech

•  Makes eating comfortable

•  Looks and functions just like real teeth

•  Long-lasting and durable

•  Does not require any additional care or maintenance

•  Saves you from the hassle of frequent visits to the dentist

Contact Us Today!

At Singing River Dentistry our expert team of dental surgeons, including Our doctors and are always ready to assist you with your dental needs and emergencies. Call us today at 256-712-3186 to schedule your appointment.

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Benefits of Dental Implants - Muscle Shoals, AL
There are many benefits of dental implants including bone reservation. Visit or call Singing River Dentistry today to give you the smile you've always wanted.
Singing River Dentistry, 2402 Avalon Ave, Suite A, Muscle Shoals, AL 35661 + 256-712-3186 + + 10/22/2024 + Page Terms:dentist Muscle Shoals AL +