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Singing River Dentistry

Dentures vs. Bridges
Muscle Shoals, AL

A rendering of a dental bridge at Singing River Dentistry in Muscle Shoals, ALTooth loss used to be the end of the world for some people, as in the past, replacements did not blend in very well. Today, technology has advanced enough to allow for practical solutions to missing teeth. Both dentures and bridges have evolved enough to let you have a perfect smile once again. Our professional dentists at Singing River Dentistry have a wealth of experience in both. If you need help deciding between these two options, we can help you.

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Dentures are an affordable and flexible solution to tooth loss. Made of either plastic, metal, or a combination of both, they are attached to the other teeth. A clasp is what helps them stay firmly attached.

When a person wears their dentures, they appear to have a complete set of teeth. As these objects are made to blend in with your gums and teeth, it is not hard to imagine why. However, once removed, the impression is broken.

Stain and scale buildup can damage dentures in the long run, which is why you need to clean them every day. Our dentist will ask you to use a special dental cleanser and a soft toothbrush instead of a regular brush and toothpaste. After this, you might have to soak your dentures in a solution for a set amount of time.

Unless you are told to, soaking dentures overnight is not recommended. Ask us for the specific instructions to ensure your dentures last longer, and we can help advise you.

Full dentures are for those with many missing teeth, but partial dentures are an option if you have only lost a few. These only contain a few teeth or even just one tooth. They fit over your teeth and gums just like complete dentures.

You should remove your dentures before going to sleep. Take care to place them in a secure location, as you will not want them to go missing.


Bridges are a more permanent solution to tooth loss. They require a procedure to be placed onto your teeth so the gaps are filled. Bridges may consist of one or more teeth fitted over your healthy ones.

Some dental bridges are only attached to one tooth, but this type is quite rare. This is called a cantilever dental bridge.

Most bridges are porcelain and will blend in with your existing teeth easily. If you have a row of more than two missing teeth, you can consider getting bridges too. They are secure, and you do not have to spend a lot of time maintaining them.

Your daily routine of brushing and flossing is enough to keep your bridges clean. As bridges last for years, even beyond 15, you may have to get them checked periodically. After receiving bridges, you do need to be extra careful for the first six months.

What Is the Right Choice?

Consulting with our dentist is the best way to find out what is best for you. Not everyone responds to the same treatment identically. After consultation, you will know which choices suit you the best.

Here at Singing River Dentistry, dentures and bridges are in our line of expertise. You can trust us to help you place them. Please call us at 256-712-3186 to learn more.

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Dentures vs. Bridges - Muscle Shoals, AL • Singing River
Singing River Dentistry, 2402 Avalon Ave, Suite A, Muscle Shoals, AL 35661; 256-712-3186;; 10/23/2024; Page Terms:dentist Muscle Shoals AL;