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Singing River Dentistry

Fluoride Treatment
Muscle Shoals, AL

Young boy receiving fluoride treatment at Singing River Dentistry.Fluoride is a mineral that is found in several types of foods and beverages. Every day, your tooth enamel gains and loses minerals via demineralization and remineralization. Mineral loss occurs when acids formed due to bacteria and sugar erode the enamel. Conversely, minerals like calcium and phosphate are added to the enamel when you consume food and water. Your teeth may suffer from decay when demineralization exceeds remineralization. Fluoride wards off tooth decay by fortifying your teeth against acid attacks due to the bacteria and sugars inside your mouth.

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What Is A Professional Fluoride Treatment Like?

At Singing River Dentistry, we offer professional fluoride treatments via highly concentrated foam, gel, rinse, or varnish. Our dentists administer the treatment using a brush, swab, or mouthwash. These treatments offer a higher amount of fluoride than water or toothpaste. The procedure only takes a few minutes. Once it is finished, you may be instructed to steer clear of eating and drinking anything for 30 minutes. This break allows the fluoride to get absorbed by your teeth.

Based on your oral health, our dentist may advise a treatment every six to 12 months. If you are more prone to tooth decay, we may also suggest other preventative procedures such as a prescription fluoride mouth rinse or anti-bacterial mouth rinse.
Make sure you provide us with your entire health history so that we can select the right fluoride treatment for you.

How Much Fluoride Do You Require?

According to the American Dental Association (ADA), it is best to get a professional fluoride treatment done every three, six, or 12 months. The frequency depends on your oral health condition.

Here are factors that may increase the chances of cavities.

•  Eating disorders

•  Bad oral hygiene

•  Inadequate diet

•  Decreased saliva or dry mouth

•  Weak enamel

•  Insufficient professional dental care

To increase fluoride intake, you can consume foods and beverages naturally rich in the mineral. Common sources of fluoride include:

•  Water

•  Tea

•  Fish

•  Foods cooked in water

•  Infant formula

Having the right kinds of food and supplements will lead to optimal fluoride intake in the long-run. Here is the recommended daily dosage of fluoride.

•  0-3 years of age: 0.1-1.5 milligrams (mg)

•  4-6 years of age: 1.0-2.5 mg

•  7-10 years of age: 1.5-2.5 mg

•  Adolescents and adults: 1.5-4.0 mg

Benefits of Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride is vital for repairing weak tooth enamel by replenishing much-needed calcium and phosphate. These minerals are naturally found in your saliva too. They make your teeth more capable of fighting decay in the future. Fluoride treatments administered by our dentists are beneficial for people who are particularly prone to tooth decay or erosion. Our dentists will guide you towards the right kind of fluoride treatment if you have weak tooth enamel, dry mouth, bad oral health, or crowns in place.

Schedule an Appointment

Fluoride can strengthen the outer surface of your teeth by preventing decay from seeping through the deeper areas of your teeth. If you wish to strengthen your teeth, schedule an appointment with us at Singing River Dentistry by calling us at 256-712-3186 today.

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Fluoride Treatment - Muscle Shoals, AL • Singing River Dentistry
Singing River Dentistry, 2402 Avalon Ave, Suite A, Muscle Shoals, AL 35661 + 256-712-3186 + + 10/23/2024 + Key Phrases: dentist Muscle Shoals AL +